Network Detective Pro

Available Resources

Automate Network Discovery and Documentation

Automate Network Discovery and Documentation

Without a solid understanding of which devices are on a client’s network, an MSP doesn’t stand a chance of assessing the IT network’s health or managing the assets utilizing it. That’s why any modern IT organization requires continual, ongoing network discovery that automatically detects every…

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What is the MSP Client Lifecycle?

What is the MSP Client Lifecycle?

Client lifecycle management plays a huge role in the business growth of managed service providers (MSPs). Many businesses tend to focus too much on customer acquisition and not enough on expanding relationships and client retention. This can hurt them in the long term since acquiring…

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A Complete Guide to IT Audits

A Complete Guide to IT Audits

While the IT infrastructure of organizations today has evolved tremendously, it has also become more vulnerable to security threats (internal and external) than ever before. Now more than ever, organizations need to analyze their complete IT infrastructure and ensure all assets are safe. Whether you’re…

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How IT Assessments Can Help Create More Revenue

How IT Assessments Can Help Create More Revenue

Increasing revenue and winning new clients is crucial to your success as an MSP. One of the simplest, yet surefire ways to doing both is to leverage IT assessments to get new business, new projects, upsell new managed services and add new stand-alone services.  Use…

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How to Price IT Services for Profit

How to Price IT Services for Profit

The biggest challenge preventing many managed service providers from growing is pricing. If you don’t charge enough, you struggle to make a profit on the services you deliver. You also undermine the perceived value of your offerings. Most decision makers know they get what they…

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Contract Renewal is Key to Increasing MSP Revenue

Contract Renewal is Key to Increasing MSP Revenue

Onboarding new clients is time consuming and more expensive than keeping your current clientele protected and happy. With minimal effort, you can retain your current customer base and spend less time trying to court new business. It’s easier than you think to achieve sustained growth…

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How Progress Reports can Prove Value

How Progress Reports can Prove Value

Clients typically aren’t aware of the constant threats and risks that MSPs identify and remediate, so they don’t completely grasp the full impact of your efforts. Network Detective Pro’s Progress Report allows MSPs to demonstrate the value of ongoing services with quantifiable data. Progress Reports…

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How to Automate Network Discovery and Documentation

How to Automate Network Discovery and Documentation

The proliferation of connected devices has made it nearly impossible to manually keep track of all computers, servers, printers and mobile devices on a corporate network. Whether it’s new hires, upgraded equipment or employees embracing BYOD policies, there might be dozens of new connections created…

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